Throughout this summer challenge we had 8 determined challengers to shine from the inside out. They worked through sweat, sore muscles and adjusting appetites. Perhaps the biggest challenge was practicing every day. This discipline develops like a muscle; it needs time, consistency and mental motivation.
As Katy and Ali reflect on their journeys below, they identify that they needed to be focused and stay committed. How the challenge empowered them to be the best they can be.
‘The challenge has motivated me to push myself, be more determined, focused, committed and to show up! I have loved every minute. It has certainly been a highlight of my year.’ Says our Summer Challenge winner, Katy.
‘Tatiana has done a brilliant job of encouraging everyone taking part in the challenge and have supported us all to do our very best. I didn’t follow the meal plans for personal reasons but I did find all the nutrition information very interesting and helpful. I learnt a lot.’
Sometimes we forget, in all the hustle and bustle of our busy lives how food fuels us, makes our muscles and brain function to our optimum performance. Ali says ‘The nutrition guide was amazing. It has completely changed the way my family and I eat. I really enjoyed trying new foods with the meal plans helping me get back into a more organised routine. I work full time and with 2 small kids it’s easy to slip into a very boring routine and very tempting to opt for takeaway when we’re time poor. Eating so well over the month made me realise how much better my body can feel, how much more energy I had. My skin looks and feels better and my mood much better too.’
Our beautiful founder Tatiana says that the challenge was a challenge for her as well …
‘Any challenge needs a leader, and every day I needed to ensure I gathered all my positive vibes to share with our beautiful challengers. Truth is, they gave me the motivation to energise them! It was an amazing circle of support, friendship and positive energy.’
‘Tatiana is so supportive, enthusiastic and generous It was lovely to see her smiling face every day. All up, the challenge has been the best thing that I have done for myself in a long time, I feel so happy with the results and I would more than highly recommend anyone doing this challenge in the future!’ Oh Ali, you’re making us blush!
Talk about gushing over positive feedback, our winner, Katy ends her testimonial by saying ‘…the complimentary extras like the wonderful massage was divine! Wow, such a treat.’
You deserved it Katy, 60 practices in 31 days – you go girl!
Darling challengers, it was a delight sharing in this experience with you. We’re uber proud of all your efforts and hope you can take some learnings into your everyday lives. We can’t wait to see you in our next challenge and hope you enjoy some well-deserved rest in the lead up to Christmas.
Thank you Tatiana, the challenge was incredible! My goal was to get my fitness back after having a bub and Tatiana was there energizing us all the way. It was hard at times, but you knew you weren’t alone and every class is a blast. The nutrition, the classes, the massage and the people. Can’t ask for anymore! Can’t wait to do it all again in Feb!